Wednesday, November 5, 2008

He Still Has His Job

I am feeling pretty thankful this week. Phil was at work on Tuesday in a meeting. They looked at him and said, "your position has been eliminated." As he sat there in shock trying to process that statement, his boss continued. He told Phil that he has reassigned him to a different position within the same company. In other words, he still has work. Phil wasn't the only one. The company was making job cuts, but there were still vacant jobs that needed filled, so his smart boss shuffled people around and no one lost their job. What a great boss.
This all could have been so much worse. God is taking care of our family. We really couldn't afford for Phil to lose his job. The whole incident was very stressful, but we are counting our blessings.

1 comment:

Piggy said...

God is good, All the time! I am sure God will blessed your family in every way especially in these difficult times.