My little David turned 4 Wednesday! It seems not so long ago that I brought him home from the hospital. He is growing so fast. I think he is going to grow up to be either an actor or an author. The stories he comes up with are so imaginative. He is so entertaining! When I think of David, I think of how full of life he is. Here are 5 pictures from his life so far:

Newborn, still loves being all curled up

First birthday, kid on the right! Can you tell he is excited?!

Here David is at age two, at Carolina Beach in North Carolina.

David is 3 in this picture, watching Andrew's soccer game with Daddy

Here is my big four year old! My, how time is flying. I want to enjoy every moment, because before I know it, he will be all grown up.
Hope David had a great birthday. He is one of those kids that owns a room the second he walks in.
Wonderful pictures Lori of your fantastic boy! And your comments are so special. Wish we could have been there for David's birthday.
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