I spent the afternoon grocery gaming. I have so much fun with this. I save an unbelievable amount of money. This week my savings were about 50 percent off my grocery bill. If anyone decides to sign up, ask me for my email so you can put me in the referral section. It is grocerygame.com.
In the evening we spent a little time outside. Phil had a sudden idea about his car that has been broken for 2 years. It worked! He got it running again. That was the best gift for him ever. For Father's Day, we gave him rocks the kids painted at MOPS. I gave him a pair of shorts he wanted at Target. For his birthday last month, I gave him an Ipod and a Sidekick LX, so Father's Day was not as huge for him this time. Here's some pictures from the day. Some of these are probably also on Phil's blog.
Phil the Daddy with Christina, David, and Andrew
Phil and Andrew
Phil and David
Phil and Christina
I'm so grateful my kids have such a wonderful Daddy.
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