I haven't blogged for a couple weeks, so I will try to get some new posts up soon. I actually started a new blog the other day for my jewelry shop on etsy, so you can take a look if you would like
http://www.hiddentreasurejewelry.blogspot.com. I wanted a place to talk about my etsy shop without combining it too much on my family blog. That doesn't mean I will never mention selling jewelry on the family blog, but I wanted a spot to talk about just my crafting.
Halloween is coming up! All our kids are excited. The boys are going to use their old bug costumes and Christina has a ladybug costume(never worn) that we got off Ebay. I will have the cutest little bugs in the neighborhood. Actually we will be taking them to the annual Trunk or Treat at Fair Oaks Church. There will even be fireworks!!! The weather is looking good. I will get cute pics of the kids dressed up for Halloween and put them on the blog, so stay tuned for that.